To create a Learning Resource

  1. From the desktop, choose the Picture of the Learning Resources icon Learning Resources icon.

  2. Click the Picture of the Create Learning Resource icon 'Create a Learning Resource' link.

  3. From the Details view, type a name and description for the Learning Resource. We recommend that you keep the name as short as possible, and that you do not create a Learning Resource with the same name as a Staff Subject Area.

  1. Assign the Learning Resource to a subject by ticking the Subject box and selecting the required subject from the drop-down menu. You can assign the Learning Resource to all subjects by unticking the Subject box.

  2. Assign the Learning Resource to a member staff by ticking the Member of Staff box and selecting the required member of staff from the drop-down menu. You can assign the Learning Resource to all members of staff by unticking the Member of Staff box. (Note that if you are a member of staff, you cannot select another member of staff.)

  3. Assign the Learning Resource to a specific year by ticking the Year box and selecting the required year from the drop-down menu. You can assign the Learning Resource to every year by unticking the Year box.

  4. You can choose the Groups view to associate owner or user groups with the Learning Resource. A group gives users (in the group) access to the Learning Resource. See Related Topics for further information.

  5. Click the OK button. The new Learning Resource is displayed in the Learning Resource list.
